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What D&D Class Should I Play?
Discover the perfect D&D class for you with our ultimate guide. Find out 'what D&D class should I play' and unleash your imagination today!

Play the 5e Ranger? Heck yeah, its WAY Better than It Used to Be!
D&D beginners are naturally drawn to the 5e Ranger class. A lot of its problems have been fixed, making it the fun hero we all love!

The Artificer: D&D’s Newest Character Class for the “Science-Minded”
The Artificer is a 5e spell casting class that specializes in tools and magic items. Blend science and magic with the Artificer class.

New to D&D? Need to Cast Spells? Play the Simple, Suave, Sacrilegious Warlocks (At A Price…)
Easily the most unique class in Dungeons & Dragons, these slick-talking arcane masters are ideally suited for these types of players...

4 Spiritual and Religious Players That Should Build a 5e Cleric
The Cleric D&D might be for you if you want to explore fantasy religion, heal your party, turn undead, and perform amazing holy feats!

Four Shadowy, Sneaky, Stabby Players That Should Build a 5e Rogue
Players that want to sneak and hide in the shadows, strike with deadly sneak attacks, and dodge any responses … will love playing a Rogue!

Four Silly and Musical Players That Should Play a 5e Bard
The Bard is a spell casting class that is known for being funny to role play, support for the party, and full of artistic creativity.

Four Martial-Minded Players That Should Build a 5e Fighter
The D&D 5e Fighter is a simple class that deals lots of damage and can survive. Learn if you should play a fighter!

Spell Obsessed? These 4 types of D&D Players Should Create Wizard Characters
D&D 5e Wizards are the arcane masters of the D&D world: high intelligence, no combat abilities, and a spells for every situation!

4 Tree-Hugging D&D Players That Would Love Playing a Druid Character
The D&D 5e druid is a versatile class, able to cast spells and wild shape so they can fight, heal, scout, and more!

Four Rage-Filled Player’s That Must Create a D&D 5e Barbarian
Learn which types of players should play a D&D 5e Barbarian. Get ready to RAGE!

These Four D&D 5e Beginners Should Play The Sorcerer As Their First Character
D&D Sorcerers are the simplest of the spellcasting classes, providing limited but powerful spell options with the unique twist of metamagic.

These 4 Types of People NEED to Give the D&D 5e Monk Class a Try
Monks are a combination of spiritual and martial. They bend Ki to perform magic, sneak in the shadows, and fight hordes with their fists.

4 Types of New D&D Players that Would Have a Ton of Fun Playing a 5e Paladin
If you are new to or curious about D&D 5e , it is hard to know which character class to play. The Paladin is perfect for you if

The Master's Path: A Beginner's Guide to Becoming a Dungeon Master
This Beginner's Guide to Becoming a Dungeon Master will help you'll get prepared to lead your own epic quests for a party of adventurers!

Roleplaying for Beginners: Bringing Your D&D Character to Life
Unlock your inner hero with our beginner's guide to roleplaying in Dungeons & Dragons. Learn how to create and roleplay your character.

Unleash Your Inner Hero: A Beginner's Guide to the Epic World of Dungeons & Dragons
Curious about Dungeons & Dragons? Learn all about this beloved role-playing game, and how to get started.
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